Apologies for the delay in Chapter Three this week, KLiters (*snort* just realized how wrong that sounds - new name suggestions in the comments please) holidays 'n' all!
LettieLou and I have been reading away as usual, as well as updating the On The Road playlist and baking NYC Cream Cakes - I'm beyond proud they actually look and tasted (note, past tense) really pretty yummy :)
So, let's jump right back on in, shall we? Our boy, Sal's really starting to make some progress at this point - let's join him in the passenger seat with the window wound down and the warm breeze blowing in our hair - rolling along, on the road...
Chapter summary:
After his earlier set-backs, Sal finally makes it to Chicago, which to him is the first of many obstacles on his route to San Fransico; he blows through almost as soon as he's arrived.
Meeting up with Eddie, we find ourselves with them amongst the ten-gallon hat wearers, apple-pie eaters and everyday hard workers of America's heart lands.
Sal either sleeps through or watches it all speed by from the window of a vehicle, letting one opportunity for experience pass him by after another.
Hopefully he'll open his eyes to the dream he's living soon...
Breaking it down - an excerpt:
LettieLou: I love this chapter
because he FINALLY starts to meet some characters
Lorabell: nod
LettieLou: who, besides the land,
are the stars of this book
Lorabell: i love the guys with the
big 10 gallon cowboy hats
LettieLou: LOL! me too!
Lorabell: oooooooh, love that - the
land is SO a character
LettieLou: thanks. :)
Lorabell: but even though it is vast
in geography and diversity, there is a uniting thread that runs throughout
like the Missisippi...
LettieLou: YES
he even says that...
when he describes the people
he talks about how these men could
be from any town
Lorabell: YES
LettieLou: (page 13 for those
reading along)
"I walked, after a few cold beers, to the edge of town, and it was a long walk. All the men were driving home from work, wearing railroad hats, baseball has, all kinds of hats, just like after work in any town anywhere"
Lorabell: mhmm
he wants it all "now"
dude, look around
LettieLou: like he doesn't want to
be left out