Well, hello fellow K'Liters!
Where have we been, you ask? Well, all I can say is that it's difficult for two friends who live in two different time zones on two different continents who have two very different work schedules to coordinate this shizz but we make it happen because we love it. ;) And because you guys are awesome!
Stick with us, won't you? We won't let you down. We promise.
Lorabell and I chatting this up today was quite an interesting conversation. Sometimes we do our best work under pressure and with the shortest chapters. This one is no exception.
There was some good "extra" stuff that was edited out of the official discussion but let's just say Stew's photo shoots were involved. Gah, I love a good debate!
Just wait till we get some of you guys involved in the weekly chat. You'll see what kind of Stew Induced Crazy you miss out on... ;)
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Gah. Ded. I couldn't resist. [LB note: woman, I'm surprised you didn't embed the BTS video :p] |
Exes and Ohs,
Chapter Summary:
Sal has finally arrived in his precious Denver and seeks out his old pal, Chad King. Chad (along with some other old pals) have separated themselves from the other side of the group (namely Dean and Carlo). Sal feels this is some type of social war caused by Dean's unsavory upbringing but seems quite content to be in the middle. And he's still desperately seeking Dean.
Breaking it down - an excerpt:
Lorabell: it's a small lyric, but so many of his are like that - simplistic isn't the same as simple - little things, said in the most direct way, can mean so much more
LettieLou: i think that's why i adore kerouac... he does that exact thing...
Lorabell: and I think that Kerouac's writing, although descriptive, doesn't become unnecessarily wordy - it says just enough and just exactly what he means and it takes you there - really YOU, not just any reader but you overlay your own memories to his
LettieLou: Page 38... "He still had his old office over a garage down the street- the rolltop desk was still there, together with the dusty papers of past excitement and moneymaking." that last sentence, to me, is the perfect example of that. my mind can go a thousand places with that one sentence.
Lorabell: I can see it, totally but at the same time as thinking of my Dad's desk from childhood
LettieLou: my papaw's too! LOL! he doesn't have to go on for an entire paragraph about the way the desk looked...
Lorabell: no, exactly - it's precise without being lacking
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Read the full conversation after the cut...
Lorabell: aaaaanyway Chapter 6 Bam LettieLou: that's it... let's do it hahaha
Lorabell: what the hell happened to his mancrush on Dean? out of no where he's all about this other dude opening sentence is about how he's wanted to get in touch with him not Dean psh, whatevs
LettieLou: well as the end clearly demonstrates... dean gets back into his thoughts quickly. LOL!
Lorabell: true but it almost seems like he's back peddling
LettieLou: he's very fickle
Lorabell: like, somethings happened with dean that he's trying to gloss over or he feels stoopid about being so fixated on him thus far i just get the impression he's trying to play it all aloof... way too late
LettieLou: that's exactly it... he back pedals... he says at the beginning "In those days I didn't know Dean as well as I do now." He's trying to cover I think make it seem like he doesn't care that much
Lorabell: for what's to come?
LettieLou: er um... yes... LOL
Lorabell: I get the impression Dean's going to fob him off
LettieLou: NOPE
Lorabell: psh
LettieLou: not giving away anything specific hehehehehe
Lorabell: gah woman
LettieLou: Page 39... But where was DEAN?"
Lorabell: doing something better - like marylou
LettieLou: LMFAO I adore the description of the air conditioner which is odd, i know but i love it reminds me of the janky ones at hotels we stayed at when i was younger
Lorabell: lol, what makes you single that description out? he's so descriptive generally is it just that that one is personally resonant?
LettieLou: reminds me of my dad i suppose who loves a room so cold that you could hang meat in it... LOL!.
Lorabell: ha
LettieLou: it resonates with me... i can relate haha
Lorabell: are you picturing your Dad as Sal back in the day?
LettieLou: not so much that as the general description of the effects of the air conditioner on the room. how unreliable and freezing cold it makes you and the room. i used to feel that when i would take naps in my parents' room.
Lorabell: loving that his descriptions don't "just" put you in his shoes, but bring back personal memories
LettieLou: i would wake up so frigid that i would finally just have to get up all together. YES exactly
Lorabell: this is a lame comparison, so don't rake me for it, but...
LettieLou: GO
Lorabell: it reminds me of John Mayer (before he said stoopid stuff in Rolling Stone and slept around like he was on Jersey Shore) - old skool style, I have a long standing love affair with his early music and I always think back to one particular lyric when he's describing an awkward date "I played a quick game of chess with the salt and pepper shaker" because i'd always thought that but never put it to words - a lot of his lyrics seem like that - thoughts I always wanted to articulate
LettieLou: OHHHHH that is fantastic!
Lorabell: it's a small lyric, but so many of his are like that - simplistic isn't the same as simple - little things, said in the most direct way, can mean so much more
LettieLou: i think that's why i adore kerouac... he does that exact thing...
Lorabell: and I think that Kerouac's writing, although descriptive, doesn't become unnecessarily wordy - it says just enough and just exactly what he means and it takes you there - really YOU, not just any reader but you overlay your own memories to his
LettieLou: Page 38... "He still had his old office over a garage down the street- the rolltop desk was still there, together with the dusty papers of past excitement and moneymaking." that last sentence, to me, is the perfect example of that. my mind can go a thousand places with that one sentence.
Lorabell: I can see it, totally but at the same time as thinking of my Dad's desk from childhood
LettieLou: my papaw's too! LOL! he doesn't have to go on for an entire paragraph about the way the desk looked...
Lorabell: no, exactly - it's precise without being lacking
LettieLou: that simple sentence and i can see the whole office overlooking a dusty street
Lorabell: totally sepia lighting
LettieLou: much like the colors of the faded pages in my book...
Lorabell: yup but yeah, i wonder what's going to happen re Dean
LettieLou: i love the description and TONE of the two gangs within the group *lips sealed*
Lorabell: it's like West Side Story and Sal's Maria, lol I wonder if he's trying to make himself feel wanted
LettieLou: he's compensating...
Lorabell: tooootes
LettieLou: he's the NEXT MESSIAH
Lorabell: HA right? and now he feels sheepish oh so young
LettieLou: oh just you wait
Lorabell: lol, eeek
LettieLou: me thinks the boy doth protest too much
Lorabell: just a tad suddenly he's going to be in Denver with Dean and want to jet asap grass is always greener esp when you're wearing rose tinted glasses ...i'm surprised he can focus at all
LettieLou: and a major part of it is that he is jealous of Carlo. like maybe dean isn't that great BUT he can't stand the thoughts of someone else having his fun.
Lorabell: and why would they when he's so obviously wanted by both sides of the group? he's just so cool and funny damn, where is my sarcasm font
LettieLou: bingo... he's like a little lost dog BEAR
Lorabell: lol, oh let's not start that
LettieLou: Dean=Rob Carlo=Kristen LMFAO hahaha
Lorabell: ...although i can kinda see it it's like when you're trying to decide who gets to keep the pet
LettieLou: *ducks*
Lorabell: and both call it that's what he wants does he have abandonment issues?
LettieLou: exactly i never got that before but that's a great point
Lorabell: i mean, everyone wants to be loved but what is his deal
LettieLou: his aunt is the only person we hear about
Lorabell: it's so cloying almost
LettieLou: he has super "pleaser" syndrome
Lorabell: and she's kinda cool with him just peacing out
LettieLou: yep. as long as he writes. LOL!
Lorabell: word, classic divorce product hmmm
LettieLou: hmmm indeed i feel that was quite good for such a short chapter!
Lorabell: agreed
Wow, I have been a super slacker on the comments lately. Real life is a bitch and totally interferes with OTR awesomeness!
ReplyDeleteI have to start by saying I love the reference to the dynamic duo and their precious pup...pmsl on that one!
On to Ch 6...uh oh, is there a little dissension in the ranks? So Sal discovers that life hasn't been peachy keen while he has been making his way to Denver. The gang isn't all together and getting on famously as he had imagined. And just that little prelude in the very beginning suggests that the bumpy road with Dean has only just begun. Hmmmm...wonder what the future holds for this group?
I thought it was nice to get a bit of a back story on Dean as well as Chad. Dean's past has been rough and shady. I think hearing that gives a bit of perspective as to where he is coming from and may account for some of his behavior. On the total opposite end of the spectrum, Chad appears decent with a solid up bringing. Dark and gritty meets bright and fresh faced. It almost makes me wonder if that's the root of their discontent with one another...we shall see.
Til next time...xx :)